Lodge Helper is the #1 Lodge Membership Management Application Service Provider.
e are Application Service Providers; distributing Software as a Service. We have a wide range of Masonic collaborative groupware products. Our system empowers Lodge Secretaries to make faster decisions by bringing timely actionable data to them instantly by automating and synchronizing business processes.
Our reporting and analytics platform is built around business intelligence; such as lodge activities, Quarterly Returns, District Deputy and Lodge Secretary reports using an intuitive dash board, interactive reports, modern data visualization and advanced analytics so users can view data in meaningful ways. Each Jurisdiction is hosted on their own private and encrypted domain. There are no long-term commitments, just an affordable $12 per month subscription. Database backups are delivered to each Lodge Secretary. Each Grand Secretary receives a backup of the entire jurisdiction.
Reports are customized free of charge for each Jurisdiction. Why free? We don't need to nickel and dime you when there are 3 or more lodges with a monthly subscription. Click here for our on-line demo. No registration or email address required.
get started today!
Prevent lodge history from being lost to history for just $12 per month. No contract. No startup cost. On your own secure and private domain.